
Entity Definition

Logical Name : WorkstationTimeActivityHistory
Physical Name : LE_HST_WS_TMACV

A set of time-bounded totals used to track the operational performance of a workstation primarily for workforce planning and service level planning. The time-bounded totals typically are for 6, 10 or 15 minute intervals.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
WorkstationID (FK)(PK) The unique identifier for the WORKSTATION, typically the serial number. ID_WS Identity integer Workstation(AS_WS)
WorkstationDate (PK) The actual date recorded by the WORKSTATION. DC_WS DateCalendar date
TimePeriodHour (PK) The time periods expressed in hours to measure line and transaction activity. IN_PRD_TM_HR QuantityShortCountHours numeric(2,0)
TimePeriodMinuteIntervalCount (PK) The number of intervals in minutes for measuring line and transaction activity. QU_INTV_PR_MN_PRD QuantityShortCountMinutes decimal(4,0)
TimePeriodIntervalPerHourCount (PK) The number of time intervals per hour for measuring line and transaction activity. QU_INTV_PR_HR_PRD QuantityShortCount decimal(5,0)
NetSalesTotalAmount The net sales amount recorded by the WORKSTATION in the defined time period intervals. CP_SLS_NT Money decimal(16,5)
TotalSaleLineItemCount The total number of line items sold by the WORKSTATION in the defined time period intervals. QU_SLS_LN_ITM QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalTransactionCount A WORKSATION accumulator for holding the number of TRANSACTIONs across the defined time intervals. QU_TRN_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
SignOnTimeMinutesCount The number of minutes since the OPERATOR signed on the WORKSTATION. MI_SGN_ON QuantityShortCountMinutes decimal(4,0)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Workstation is tracked by WorkstationTimeActivityHistory
WorkstationTimeActivityHistory includes WorkstationTimeActivityTenderHistory

Logical Views containing WorkstationTimeActivityHistory

Logical View
Logical 03140 - Reporting - Store Operations - Workstation View